Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 86

Phase green bowl is not going very well. In the beginning I just cut half of the top of the cup. Everything was ok. Then, I rushed and cut the all bottom. Crisis! Ziggy went to the bathtub. I was tell him off when he began scratching the floor near the left side of the toilet. It was a hidden poop! Mimi went running out of the toilet – she has been discovered. The next morning Mimi was meowing and calling me all morning. Didn’t get any work done. She was complaining about the green bowl arrangements. I end up changing the litter to the yellow bowl where I usually set the contraption and she did it , relieved. Yesterday Ziggy did the same routine and after my patience wore off I offered him the same easy way out.

After setting up the green bowl with only half the cup's bottom cut I decide to cut it all. Disaster! Even Mimi pooped outside.

A sturdier bowl may help. It will look like this.
On top the green bowl tends to sink into the toilet which I do not understand since it is made of the same mould as the others before; the cup falls off into the toilet and last but not least it got cracked.
So I am sacrificing my good yellow bowl – which I used for clothes washing before – since it fits perfectly in the toilet.
It will be the last one.

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