Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 1C (or 55 altogether...)

So, the Chinese Soup bowl was a problem for Ziggy and three days ago I decided to change method again. I went back to the plain bowl or sitz bath, so they (Ziggy, mostly) would not loose the habit of going to the toilet until my new purchase – a commercial kit – arrived. They behaved well, always went to the bowl, no carpet pooping. However, while Mimi does it in the centre of the bowl and covers it carefully. Ziggy makes a big mess and poops half in half out. I do not know what happened: in the beginning he was doing it in the centre… Maybe he is just too big (6.5 kilos and very long) for this soft toilet seat. I will buy a new toilet seat soon.
The Chinese bowl was no problem for Mimi but it made the carpet suffer with Ziggy's poo....

On Friday I ordered one of the commercial kits (that you can find here on this blog) but it only came today, Tuesday.
It looks like it shows on the picture here: it is quite shallow and after one of the cats used it to pee (I do not know which one) there was litter all over the toilet floor. I do not want to put too much litter on the contraption, but not doing it can be discouraging for the cats. We will see.
The fact it is shallow may be a advantage in relation to the bowl – the cats have the paws higher, almost at the height of the seat cover, and may begin to use mostly this one to balance themselves.
This commercial kit – Servicat, made in Spain – has five stages and the first hole is really narrow, so I hope I do not have problems until then. They advise a week for each stage, but since my cats are already used to the toilet, I may not waste too much time on phase one. It all depends on Ziggy, of course.
This kit seems better than the Litter Kwitter (which can also be purched online, here in Portugal, for more or less the same price) because it has more stages and the first and second holes (the most difficult ones to overcome) are narrower. If they are too threatening, the solution is to cover part of the hole with cardboard, as I did with the tins in phase A of this experiment.
The plastic this kit is made of is very thin. I was expecting something sturdier; I hope it can cope with Ziggy's claws, weight and temper. 

Mimi, welcoming the commercial kit.
This is my last attempt at toilet training the cats, or I should say, Ziggy, since Mimi was managed every phase of any process.
In a month we will see if we are successful or back to scooping and sweeping litter all over the floor of the apartment…

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