Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 3C (or 57)

I just found the same kit I bought – Servicat on OLX… for half the price!!! It serves me well for not searching the information properly.
On top, the same problems persist with the kit: both cats use it for peeing, Mimi does something else but Ziggy does not. He went to the carpet yesterday and this morning.
The contraption is too shallow, does not have enough litter for his taste. I tried to compensate with a new toilet seat (the old one was already ruined) that is larger so he has more access to the litter and less chances of missing it and pooping in the seat and the floor.  I know the seat is weird (a woman with a tong sticking out) but it is made of excellent material and I bought it for 12 Euros in a local shop nearby. I do not have time to go to the big malls just for a toilet seat. It was either that or a childish black one with two fluffy dogs. I may just put some stickers on the cover...
The kit goes on the yellow bowl when the human inhabitants need to use the toilet.
After almost two months of this experiment my conclusions are: if you have a cat like Mimi go forward, you will have success after one to two months. If you a have a digger like Ziggy you have to consider whether you want to put a lot of effort into it. Prepare yourself to pick up crap from the carpets. In this case, the commercial kits, like Servicat and Litter Kwitter, are not a good option because they do not hold much litter. You should consider going back to the litter box…
Ziggy using the toilet contraption to pee. Never to poop....
As I am as stubborn as my cat Ziggy I will go on with this experiment for a while more. I will be away for four days, but a friend is staying over, so he will have the burden of convincing the cats to use the toilet.
Yesterday I upgraded them to stage two – the smaller hole. If this evening Ziggy does not use it to poop, I will leave the experiment at stage one. Again…
Today I am also spraying cat nip on the seat and litter.
I only go on with the experiment because the cats do not show signs of stress. If their normal behaviour changes I will stop.

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